Mr. Smith is an 89-year-old married male who is the primary caregiver for his 87-year-old wife who, four years ago, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. He is admitted to Del Webb Hospital ICU through the ER with chest pain and pneumonia.
Their daughter resides out-of-state and is minimally involved. They have been residing in their own home in Sun City West. The geriatric care manager is contacted to assist in coordinating emergency respite for Mrs. Smith in a memory-care assisted living facility.
The geriatric care manager assists Mr. Smith in coordinating services for Mr. Smith upon his eventual discharge from the hospital and Mrs. Smith is able to return home as well.
The geriatric care manager initiates a care plan with this couple that includes:
• Home services.
• Assisting with scheduling physician appointments.
• Accompanying this couple to physician appointments.
The geriatric care manager monitors their home situation weekly to ensure that both of their needs are being met.
The intervention provided contributes to this married couple residing safely in their own home as long as possible prior to a move into a higher level of care.